Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Paradox that is Life

It's been about three years since I last posted. A lot has changed since then. My parents have since seperated and therefore lost what was my childhood home. I moved out and, as the world goes, got a job. Even with finacial aid and a couple scholarships I coulnd't afford to go to college and continue my favorite thing of reading and learning. However, among all the lows the best thing that will ever happen to me did. I got engaged to the man I know will forever be my bestfriend, my partner, and my lover. I am not quite as optimistic as I was younger. With the passing of time and the harsher realities of life the shine of innocence gets overshadowed. That doesn't mean that I lost my sense of humor. I like to say that now I just cherish every laugh even more. So without furthur rambling, onto my point.

Life is depressing. A piece of paper controls every aspect of our world. Society, government, and well it creates economy. We have the knowledge, and the ability to help our world, to create a utopia for everyone. Yet, humans are greedy. The oil companys don't want us using alternate energy because they will go out of business and all loose their money, their power, their jobs. Everything that goes on in this world is for a profit for someone. I wish the days when everyone had a talent, a special knack for something, made them special and they could create or do things that was worth a trade. When the individual picked the worth of something to them and could barter and trade for it in return. For hundreds and hundreds of years such a trade has been gone from this world. Sadly I know that it's also impossible. The closest we could come to it in this future age is communism and that's no solution. There are too many of us now. Many people don't bother to learn the inticate ways of the different cultures and ethnic backgrounds we have. We don't want to. The very thing that makes us human, makes us so unique, is that we have the ability to form opinions, have ideas and make decisions, also makes us intolerant of others opinions, ideas and decesions. That greedy aspect coming back to play that we want others around us to think the same things and share the same desires. Have you ever thought of why we are led to conform? We can blame it on society but the truth is society is formed by many common ideas thrown together and believed by the public. We are led to conform because we are in essense just complex animals. I don't care if you believe we are creatures of God or simply evolved, we classify ourselves homo sapien. Let me repeat that. We classify ourselves. That alone helps me make my point. Conforming is essentially a survival technique that our primal brain turns to. This leads to the rejection of rebels. (Society labels me as one, a rebel that is, someone odd.) They don't follow the 'norm' and instinctively it leads people to turn from them. Because around them it can lead to change and harm. It's why timber wolves will drive away wolves that are born white. It's why if a whale has just a tad slight different pitch in it's song it's rejected. Without conforming animals would never have survived this long. So really I don't blame people, and I can't hate the world. I make it a point to try and live my life in the moment of now. Doing what makes me smile and laugh. Really what else do we have? We can have all the money we want. The big house, the luxury, see everything and do everything and we will always want more. Because we can't look for the meaning of life. We are the meaning of life. Your every thought is special. Your every breath a miracle. The ablity to know who you are.

Well....I had my rant. I rambled, I let go, and in the process probably pissed off some. But that's the beauty of it. So please, for you, revel in the moment. Worry if you have to a bit to get done what you have to, paying those bills and work aren't going anywhere. But don't let it steal your happiness. Don't let it take your future from you. Because you can. You can sit there and stress. You can let it overwhelm you. Just know that you do it to yourself. You can't blame it on work, on the government, on anything. It's you who is choosing to let that moment form something negative and not positive.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Danger! Danger! Danger!

My title has nothing to do with this post. (If you were a fan of Steve Irwin aka the Crocodile Hunter you'll know where I got it from.) Anyway....

I don't know who all reads this blog. Especially since I stopped writing for awhile. I really wish I could think of some smart topic to discuss but I have no topic that just jumps out at me right now. Oh! I know.

So why is it that so many things we love are bad for us? For example: Chocolate = weight (crap!) Speeding = ticket (dang) Staying up late/Partying = falling asleep during class/work (oh...da..zzzz) Challenging death or, haha, danger = ...well obviously your luck could run out. I imagine you could think of some other things. We're surrounded with temptation! Begone mean...horrible things!

Here's another thing that came to mind. Why is it that 'common' sense really isn't that common? Or why is it that this 'sense' creature is so rare? People spend half their time talking and the other half just excercising their jaw. Here's a saying even I use sometimes. 'I have not lost my's at home sitting right next to my common sense.' It's just perfect isn't it?

Annndddd....well I'm done for tonight I guess. That's all I've got runnin around in my head right now. If you got any topic suggestions, any at all, leave it in a comment or message me ^_^

Over and Out.

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Opinion. (Can't think of a better title.)

So I had to write this essay for school on my opinion on drugs and other select points that I re-state. Well it seemed a waste too write all that for only my teacher to read it real fast, grade it, and then have it disappear. (Caution: This is a rant that has and identity crisis because it thinks it's an essay.) Here it is. Exactly as it's going to be graded.

I strongly disagree that drugs should be legalized. If they were to be legalized many more people would become addicted; particularly teenagers because if drugs were legal they would be more inclined to try them and become addicted as a result. Drugs are dangerous substances that give someone an illusion of superiority, tranquility, etc. etc. and damage the user’s physique and physical health. I do not think that only a few drugs are the greatest threat. They all are. All of them will cause damage to a user’s life through many, many ways. All of them can kill if the user overdoses and even if they don’t the damage the chemicals cause to the body will kill them eventually if they continue to use for a long time. They all have some degree of addiction which makes the person dependant on them and will have that person wanting or desperate for more. This is the major cause of drug-related crimes. If drugs were to become legal the lesser crimes will be lower because hiding the drugs would no longer be the problem. Yet I believe the deadly crimes would become worse. Once the drugs are legal the users and sellers won’t have to hide their ‘businesses’ as carefully anymore. More people looking for an easy buck will become sellers because now they don’t have to worry about getting caught and dealing with severe consequences. Turf wars will become a deadly and very common thing. I am not naive enough to believe that drugs will be stopped entirely however. As long as humans have the crazy things we call emotions and the difficult things we call thoughts, drugs will exist, as the past as proven. Yet making them legal will undoubtedly cause way more problems then it will solve.

Drugs are termed as ‘cool’ nowadays. If you break the law by doing them, you not only get the high but the in-your-face feeling of getting away with it. Since ‘everyone’ is doing it then to fit in you can do it too and suddenly your ‘one of them’. This is a idiotic way of thinking that will cause much more harm then good. As for the treatment of drug users I believe it is a hopeless cause unless the person wants to stop. If they are forced into an in-patient program they will only be clean or sober for that time only. Unless they want to give it up, the minute they can, they will go right back. Punishment is also a con and pro. If you punish someone over and over, that can sometimes get them to wake up and stop. Other times it can just drive them into their addiction more and more so they can escape. The most I can say is that everyone has their own choices and path to take. No matter what someone else says or does we cannot help change someone unless they want to change themselves. This has also been proven from example and will continue to be that way. We just have to hope we know the user well enough to know what will be the best way to help them. Being alive is complicated and to stay that way you have to fight sometimes. If you don’t fight back then your going to get nowhere in this time we have.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life, Live It!

Okay so here's yet another one of my ramblings.

Get. Over. It. That might just have to become my new saying. The only time your life sucks is when you let it beat you down and instead of fighting back up you just lay there and complain. Life's just passing you by while you mope and moan about this and that. If you don't knock yourself out of it you're going to miss special moments. The only reason all you see out of your life is bad is because your looking for it. You expect it to be there and tada, there it is! What you really need to do is be looking for the good points of the day. Anything at all. Memorize something funny so that when your feeling down all you have to do is think of it. Mine is a picture of a little monkey hanging on a branch and he's screaming "OMG! A Branch!" lol I don't know why but it always makes me smile. Music is another good one. If your angry listen to angry music so that you can vent that anger through the song and not shove it into the back of your mind or take it out on someone. Besides who wants to listen to flippin chirpy happy music when all you want to do is kick something? I am not one. If it works for you though go for it! Just find something that stops you from being depressed or angry about small things. That's another thing. (I just said that in my head like Jeff Dunham. Another way I keep my laugh meter up.) Having a stupid diagnosis such as 'Manic Depressive' 'Chronic Depression' does not give you an easy excuse! It is something you can work with you just have to do it. No half-assed trying. If your taking medicine it can help but it is not the cure. Just because you pop the pills it doesn't mean their going to stop everything. You have to have a part in it too. Just find your happy button. ^_^

Monday, February 22, 2010


Are you Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Wicca,'s an extremely long list. As a teenager it's even harder to figure out what you do and do not believe. I mean decisions that should be simple have to be so much more complicated. I do it all day long. "This shirt or that one?" "What for lunch?" "Say something, don't say something." "Breathe, don't breathe." Okay so the last one I'm kidding but really, think about it. You see an apple and a banana. One of your friends takes two seconds and grabs one but you have to stand there and argue with yourself for five minutes about which one you want. These decisions seem all important, let alone deciding whether you believe in a 'higher power'.

Some of us have a hard time accepting a religion/belief because something just doesn't seem right to you. Christians believe in Heaven and Hell, but what if you don't accept a God that tosses you in fire to burn in agony because you screw up? Mormons believe that if you don't get baptized together with your family in the temple you won't be together when you pass over. Religion and beliefs can be really scary and in fear of something happening you might join them.

I don't want to point you in any directions or tell you to believe this or that. I just want to let you know that just because you don't believe in something someone else does, does not mean you are strange or 'lost' as some will say. Take your time and don't let anything influence you but your own beliefs and feelings. I don't think that I will ever say I'm a specific religion. I just say I'm a believer of a 'higher power'. I've experienced things that cannot be explained away and so has my family and friends. For all I know they all exist and they watch over those that believe in them. I just know that 'higher power' exists and I hold onto that. Basically to sum all this up just remember this. We cannot and will not know the truth until the time comes when we pass away.

Other's may be able to influence your mind and feelings but they can't change who you are and what you are meant to be. At least that's what I believe to be true. ^_^

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Introduction to Me, Myself and I

Hiya ^_^, I am Kierstin Rebecca Loflin-Sater. Just call me KK or Kit. I'll be 16 on the 26th of February, which is soon. I have two younger sister's that I adore and am very close to my parents. I am going to become a homopathic vet (which is a vet that uses natural remedies for sicknesses) for large animals. I'm a cowgirl and love horses very, very much. I ride in Gymkhana's with my horse Rock'n Roll Express a.k.a Rocky. I also have a black lab named Nova who's my big adorable side-kick. Lastly but definately not in my heart is Dreamer, my blue and cream cat. If you continue to read my blog I can promise you'll hear more about them lol. I love the paranormal and especially vampires (when I was a kid I'd cry because Dracula died) but I'm not a dark person. I'm very open-minded and have lots of hobbies and small skills. I'm a tomboy but I like being a girl. I love to laugh and make jokes, but I can be very mature when I want or need to be. Alright that's a long enough introduction. Caution: I can talk until you want to rip your ear-drums out. Just figured I should give you fair warning.

Anyways, I wanted to make this blog so that I could express my ideas and such on a few things. I also wanted to post my story here as well, to see if others besides family like it. I'm homeschooled so I don't have very much social interaction and so I'm hoping that I can make some friends on here. I hope you enoy my ramblings and have a few laughs!

"Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held it's ground!"